“I BELIEVE I CAN” make a change!

When we feel overwhelmed about what is going on in our life, we MUST immediately change our thoughts and bring confidence in our heart that we have the power to change any circumstances.

We need to put aside the “I CAN’T” self destructive energy and bring out the empowering “I CAN” affirmation.

Once we do that, we immediately feel a change. We will experience the necessary clarity that will pushes us forward towards our goals.

A way to do it is to sit in a quite place and use the “Intentional Doodling” powerful method to write down our intentions with an “I CAN” attitude and experience how quick and almost magically the Universe will respond.

“I CAN” be happy with myself.

“I CAN” be successful in everything I do.

“I CAN” be compassionate with others.

“I CAN” change my life for the better.

” I CAN” make a positive impact in the world.

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Happy Valentine’s Day to all!

Enjoy the beautiful flowers, the yummy treats and chocolate, but please don’t forget that too many people out there need love.

I think about all the children, the old ones and the sick ones, who feel lonely, neglected, abused.

I’m sending a “HUGE VIRTUAL HUG” to all of those special ones, to let them know that there are still people who care.

I “SHARE THE LOVE” today and everyday!

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“INTENTIONAL DOODLING” Intentions, Creativity, Manifestations

We ALL are an expression of LOVE and we come into this life to share it with ourselves and others.

When we finally surrender to this INFINITE ENERGY, we discover our purpose and we manifest the life of our dreams.

Someone else that has experienced the struggle to reconnect with the TRUE SELF and has finally found a way to heal old wounds and negative feelings, can be of service to others to help them reach their own goals and become happy.

I was one of those people that has struggled for so long with fear, anxiety, depression and a feeling of not belonging anywhere, until I decided to come out of the darkness.

I always loved to draw since an early age and discovered that those times that I spent holding a pencil and a piece paper, were the times that I felt calm, focused and powerful.

I gave sometime to prayers and meditation until I had a vision to create a site called INTENTIONAL DOODLING where I share creative ways to unleash our unconscious mind, become aware of our emotions and while transforming them, become happier!

Don’t wait ! Visit www.intentionaldoodling.com

Go to the FREE GIFTS page and download your gift.


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Welcome 2018!

This year I feel a new energy surrounding me and giving me the opportunity to venture into new realms.

While my mind navigates through dreams of abundance, I hear the word “EXPANSION”.

This expanding feeling will allow me to reach out and create the right circumstances to rewrite the course of my life and fulfill my goals.

Thoughts will be so clear that they will become reality.

Each thought will come from the heart, from pure love and this will be the reason to make this new life’s journey worth for!

“A Soul’s Expansion through Gratitude always Manifests Miracles…”


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Are You Ready For 2018?


I am ready to embrace the magic that will flow into my life.

How will I fulfill my dreams?

I will take 3 important steps.

First step by setting my INTENTIONS.

INTENTIONS are made by the clear visions that we create in our mind but especially by the real emotions that we feel in our heart of what we want to achieve. When it feels good in our heart, it means we are in the right alignment with the Divine Energy.

Second step by taking ACTIONS.

By taking ACTIONS, what I mean most importantly, it will be eliminating what doesn’t serve me anymore.  All the cluttered energy that I have created around me will be replaced by a vibrant source of strength and determination. An open path of clarity will open up in front of my eyes and the right opportunities will as magically unfold.

Third and most exciting step, MANIFESTATIONS.

What was set it will become a reality and we will experience feelings of joy, self worth and accomplishment.

We should always use our successes not just for our benefit but also to benefit others and guide them how to achieve their own desires.


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When we imprint our own visions and intentions on paper, we create a much more powerful energy that will transform into manifestations.

I always use colors and doodle art to complete my visions board.


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“Wisdom” – the gift of understanding

When we let “Wisdom” carrying us through our process of transformation, we create balance and understand our priorities.

We allow ourselves to embrace the immense beauty of life itself in all its brightest colors.

We define our purpose and we move forward with unlimited possibilities.

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5 Benefits of Meditation that Restore Your Energy

Connecting Empathic Helpers & Artists to Spirit

“Our world needs more time to wonder and reflect but there is too much fast paced constant distraction.” – Mister Rogers.

We live in a complex world with a lot of stimuli flooding our senses each and every day. It is easy to get caught up in the whirl of activity around and within you. For empaths and HSP (highly sensitive people), the feeling of overwhelm can engulf you due to your ability to absorb energy from the people, places and things around you.

Here are 5 specific ways meditation restores your energy

  1. Reduces Stress– The act of focusing your mind, relaxes your entire mind-body-spirit system. When you meditate, you decrease stress hormones called epinephrine and cortisol. These hormones are activated by a part of your brain known as the amygdala. It is this part of your brain that reacts to stress and trauma causing you to go…

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All I need is a “Courageous Heart”

Last week I was asked to be a guest artist for an Art Therapy lecture and I needed to provide a Zentangle design, explaining the entire creative process

I’ve just started to deepen my study into Art Therapy and the fact that a very successful and knowledgeable teacher from the UK was offering me to be part of her new project it made me feel very proud, but on the other hand, I was very nervous and all the feelings of not being good enough for the task were assailing me all at once.

I’ve struggled most of my life with a sense of low self-esteem.

I’ve always felt that I wasn’t good enough, although everyone around me kept praising me for my endless creativity.

I’ve started many projects that has been left unfinished, somehow for the lack of confidence and the fear of judgement.

However this time has been different. I needed to prove myself that I could do it!

This was the best assignment that anyone could have ever gave me. It really helped me focus and express myself in a way that boosted my spirit and improved my focus.

I’m developing a “Courageous Heart” to fulfill my goals and dreams, while using the best tool that I have: “my endless creativity…”

“Courageous Heart”

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BLOG PARTY! 11/28-11/30

Traveling Shana

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I’m happy to be celebrating my growing blog with each and every one of you! Have a wonderful time getting to know one another, as this is a awesome opportunity to grow your blog while supporting others.

As a proper hostess, I of course will be providing a gift. I will be holding a drawing for one lucky winner to receive a $50.00 gift card the moment I reach my 1,000th follower! I encourage you to reblog and share this post all over your social media, inviting as many people to our party as possible. The quicker I reach 1,000 followers, the quicker we can have that drawing!

To Participate In The Party:

  1. Please follow my blog if you haven’t already. In return, I will follow you back.
  2. Reblog this post. (Sharing is caring)
  3. In the comment section of this post, paste one link to your own blog with a…

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